Open-Air Auction

Tuesday May 21st 2024

Preview: 7:30 AM
Auction: 8:00 AM

Tables filled with household, garage & utilitarian items such as tools, dishes, small everything you find in the closets, under the beds and stuff into sheds & garages. Bring a truck and a sense of adventure as we quickly share the treasures.

This week we will be selling a 2003 Chevy Silverado Odm. reads 159744 miles Vin: #2GCEC19V631108911, a 2011 Haulmark pullbehind, a 2006 Featherlite Trailer, a Club Car Turf 252, and a Trail Wagon side by side w/ dump bed.

CLICK HERE for online pre-bidding on the truck!

**Please note absentee bids are handled "ebay style" meaning we will bid for you, up to the maximum you enter. Due to how increments fall, tie bids may end up going to the floor.**

Dudley's Auction conducts weekly scheduled and specialty auctions creating a diverse and varied option for all of your estate and liquidation needs. We are a proud member of both the National Auctioneer's Association and Florida Auctioneer's Association.